Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Blog 1 – Senior Final Lesson/Interview Reflection


1. What three lessons were most helpful for you to see, and why?

  • The three most helpful lessons for me to see where
    • Physical Therapy
      • I found watching this presentation helpful because the presenter never used any "umms" or paused at any time. He showed that he knew his topic very well and the execution was great. It gave me an idea of what I'd be getting myself into.
    • Nursing
      • In this presentation the speaking skills weren't too good, but she knew her topic and presented it in a way that made it good. She knew her topic and everything she talked about was what I was interested in. She gave me a good idea on what I would like to learn and why I want to do the topic.
    • Cardiology
      •  This was a great example of a senior project. The examples were great. The presentation was extraordinary. Everything was executed great. He knew his topic and seemed very interested in the topic. I learned a lot in that presentation, it also make me interested in the topic because of it.

2. List one thing that you learned about the senior project in interviews that will help you get off to a good start?

  • The most important and main thing I learned about the senior project was to make sure I pick a good topic and do my senior project on what I want to do. If not, they said I would be miserable researching and doing the entire project in general.

3. What topic(s) are you considering, and why?

  • I am still undecided, but the topics I am considering are..
    • Skateboarding
      • Since I know a lot about it, I'm in love with the sport, and think I can make this a great project.
    • Nursing
      • I've always had an interest in the medical field. And it also interests me very much, being able to help people is something I enjoy and nursing makes me feel like I would fit right in.
    • Physical Therapy
      • I want to learn how people can refrain from getting injured, as well as the healing process they go through. Learning what obstacles and what type of work an actual physical therapist does would be new to learn.
    • Fireman
      • I have always loved to help people no matter what. Learning how to become a fireman would be really intriguing. I'd like to know what training and process you have to go through to be a fireman. 

4. What EQ do you think might be interesting to consider in guiding a project like this? (Please don't worry about any sort of formula...we want this question to come from your genuine interest).

  • EQ's I might consider for my topics are...
    • Skateboarding
      • What are the physics in skateboarding?
    • Nursing
      • How can a nurse best ensure the safety and comfort of a patient?
    • Physical Therapist
      • What can a physical therapist do to enhance a patients experience?
    • Fireman
      • How can a fireman best prevent and protect themselves from dangerous situations?
5. What are some ideas you have about finding summer mentorship?

  • Some ideas are...
    • Skateboarding
      • To contact local skate shops
    • Nursing
      • Try and volunteer at a hospital
    • Physical Therapist
      • Try and volunteer at a clinic
    • Fireman
      • Try to contact and volunteer at a fire station