Sunday, August 23, 2015

Blog 2 - Summer Mentorship

1. List the contact name, phone number, and organization of the person with whom you volunteered.
  • Kathryn Lopez
  • (714)-357-0956
  • Arroyo Elementary School
2. What qualified this person as an expert in your topic choice?
  • Kathryn Lopez is a credential teacher with 25 years of experience. 
3. List three questions for further exploration now that you've completed your summer hours.
  • Is this just a small part of work that I do, if so, what more has to be done and planned for teaching kindergarten students?
  • What is the most time consuming part of a a teachers day?
  • What process did you have to go through to achieve a teachers credential while you were in college?
4. What is the most important thing you gained from this experience? Why?
  • I gained many important things, but from all of them I'd say the most important thing I gained was that I got to get an insider in how much work goes into just prepping for the kids and also how they become accustomed to learning at there age.

5. What is your senior project topic going to be?  How did mentorship help you make your decision?  Please explain.
  • I am not 100% sure if this is going to be my topic, but I think it most likely will be. My senior project will be on Kindergarten teaching. The mentorship helped me make a choice by showing me a fraction of what it is like to be a teacher. I learned a lot not only by work duties, but by observing not only the teacher, but the students as well. They are taught differently and learn differently, I thought it was quite interesting. I think this would be a good topic for me because I enjoy kids and have always felt like I'd grow up gaining a career that has to do something with teaching.